Thursday, February 4, 2010

This week is get-your-ass-in-gear week.

Midterm week checklist:
-Hair is in a bun, headband is pushing bangs back.
-Coffee & bags under my eyes
-Pens, highlighters, whiteout, ruler, laptop.
-Binders, textbooks, paper.
-A stressed Ashlee.

Let's get errrrrr doneeeeee!

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! I am seeing you in 10 minutes to study our brains off.

    My checklist:
    - Leggings
    - Sweat socks of a vibrant colour
    - Big sweater with a hood (the hood is essnetial)
    - and lots of brain room to study the heck out of Desire and Discontent.
