First of all: The earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
On Tuesday, there was a massive earthquake in Haiti with a magnitude of 7.0 that killed many, many people. They aren't sure of the amount of people who have died thus far, but it is feared that there are tens of thousands who did not survive. Buildings of all kinds have collapsed: schools, parliament, hospitals.. There's no running water, so many survivors will die of thirst. The U.S. and Canada are doing what they can to help, whether it be sending troops or money.
Next, the College Strike.
On Jan. 13, college faculty across Ontario voted either for or against the strike. Unofficial results were submitted on Wednesday evening. While only 74% of faculty voted, the majority of all faculty voted in favor (57.03%). Wonderful. If they don't get their act together by mid February, the strike will be happening, and nobody knows how long it will last. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll figure it out and that we can finish the school year in peace.
Thirdly, in 24 hours, 3 pedestrians were killed in the GTA.
The first was a 17-year-old boy who was walking to school when he was a hit by a semi-trailer. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
The next was a mother who was pushing her 7 week-old son across the street when an elderly woman ran a red light and hit the woman. Mendoza was pinned underneath the car and died at the scene. Her son fell out of the carriage but luckily, is still alive.
Lastly, an 80-year-old woman was crossing the street with her son when a van was turning and hit them. She later died from the injuries.
Really?! 3 people in 24 hours? Drivers, aren't you supposed to be driving cautiously? Check your blind spots, don't run red lights, look before you push the gas pedal. And pedestrians, hasn't anybody taught you to look before you cross? I understand, it's not your fault, but all of this could have been avoided if someone was paying attention.
Lastly, and on a much brighter note, some taxi companies in Manitoba are getting condom holders installed, and obviously giving out free condoms to their passengers. What a clever idea. Nothing to do with the road, but preventing STI's! Good thinking, Canada.
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