Saturday, October 31, 2009
October 31
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Who decided that clowns were "fun" or "cute"?
Dallas Green, you are absolutely brilliant.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Some people..
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Be warned, I am furious.

Believe it or not, this is a minivan.
Guess what happened to this minivan?
It was in an accident. An accident that took three lives. An accident that could have been totally avoided had somebody been intelligent enough to know that DRINKING AND DRIVING IS FUCKING RETARDED!
Mind you, he was going 200km/h down a 60 zone. A fucking 60 zone!
You irresponsible, moronic.. I almost don't want to say this, but you're a waste of a life.
Drinking and driving is my "pet peeve" if you will.
Nothing in this world bothers me more.
What the fuck goes through your head when you tell yourself that you're okay to drive? Going 140km over the speed limit. Rhetorical question, but are you dumb?
Now what.. You've taken three lives. THREE lives. Three friggin INNOCENT lives.
One of them was actually a cancer survivor. Yep. She was battling her bone marrow cancer for two years, and was making enormous progress. Another, her daughter, had just graduated from medical school. The last was their family friend, who was "ejected" from the minivan, and died at the scene.
To make it worse, the accused, Roman Luskin, got out of it with a bandaged hand and some blood marks on his head.
I hope you feel like absolute shit for the rest of your life you stupid stupid stupid prick.
Rest in Peace Hon To, Christine Taing and friend. <3