Sunday, July 18, 2010

One more month!

And I go back to Toronto!
August 18th. I'm so exciteddddd!

This weekend, I completed my CPR course, which literally killed me. Okay, not literally. But it was 8:30-5:30 on Saturday and Sunday. It was exhausting. But it's done now, and I got 48/50 on the test but somehow managed to think that I failed. I do that sometimes.

I'm currently discovering new music.
I love music so much. It makes me want to dust off my guitar and get goooooood.
But I always give up when I try to teach myself new songs, so I need somebody to teach me.

I also want to start shooting, but I feel like the same thing is going to happen.

I was thinking about my future the other day, and I think that I might want to live in Vancouver in a couple of years. I love Canada, for obvious reasons, but I don't like super cold winters and I'd really like to live by the water. However, I don't think I could live in the Maritimes. So maybe B.C. would work out for me. Who knows! I'll have to go visit sometime.

I also want to go backpacking around the world, but I'm not sure when I would have the time or money to do that. I'm hoping that my career will involve sending me to random places for free!

In case you haven't noticed, I'm really tired hence the all-over-the-place post.

I'm gonna go hop in the shower now.
Hope you had a good weekend! :)


1 comment:

  1. AHH! First Aid / CPR was death. I found out I couldn't deal with blood or the word impailments or even epi pens. Death. Just saying.

    Ps. I'm stealing this and writing my own First Aid post. Haha :)
